We have a t-shirt design contest at work and I was one of the hosts for the little gathering when the winner was chosen, so in honor of that I made t-shirt cookies and hands clapping (the winner was to be determined by the most applause):

Around the house we decided to start using cloth napkins instead of always using disposable ones. I read on a blog, and I apologize that I can't at this moment remember which one, that the napkins are easy to make. So, I grabbed two squares, two sharpies, and two large pieces of fabric and set the girls to work tracing and cutting. They picked which fabric to use and were thrilled to be crafting. I was then responsible for ironing and sewing the sides. They are a bit smaller than standard napkins, but they work very well for all of us and it is always a special treat to be able to pick which one is used.
My girls went on their first overnight visits this year and it was a challenge for us all. In preparation I made all three of us "matching" pillows. The girls took theirs on their visits and I kept mine with me. The pillows are all made from cute fabric I had picked up at a quilt shop a year or so ago. It was fun showing the girls the pattern options and letting them pick out which they liked best.
I learned a new skill this year--spinning with a top whorl drop spindle. It is such a wonderful experience!! I have A LOT to learn, but I've made enough to be able to ply two singles into two small balls of thick/thin wool. Not perfection, but oh so satisfying.
Other odds and ends were these fingerless mitts for my sister:
89 (or more-not all pictured) star shaped fabric ornaments (yes, you read that right..eighty-nine):
and three new stockings for the three new members of our family:
Now, on to the organized items...
In 2011 I had reason to make baby items again, and I sure did enjoy it:
I made doll clothes. I guess that goes without saying. I made A LOT of doll clothes (some of the December crowd don't appear here-a tutu, three sweaters, two skirts, and two sweater dresses):
Warm heads were needed, so I took care of that with some hats:
Last, but not least, I dabbled in some sock making in 2011. Some are still patiently sitting on the needles waiting to be completed, but here is what made it off:
Well, I know a parade of pictures isn't everything, but this is certainly a step in the right direction. There are over 30 items on display, and that's not counting each individual star or tiny Dawn dress, or ensemble items. No wonder I'm exhausted!
2012 is starting off at a quick pace as well with about a half dozen items off the needles/hook/sewing machine already. Crazy? Maybe...
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