Oh, what we do for the men in our lives. I've become friends with a new man who loves to hunt. We were chatting the other night and I mentioned how I had orders to complete but that I was, at that moment, knitting a hat for myself. Typical him, I was called a slacker (so, that will be my "slacker hat" forever more). I laughed, especially when he asked what I charged for a hat. I said I'd think about it, finally deciding he has to pay with lunch.

I couldn't help myself. I combined the two, flipping the images, so I have deer prancing around the 120 stitches.
The pattern came together well, but somwhere along the line I mis-counted and one of the deer isn't quite right. I have perfectionist tendencies in some things, but for this I just worked it out. Also, as any fellow knitters may notice, I'm still trying to perfect carrying yarn. The strands aren't pulling in too much but it still isn't perfection. I understand many people use both hands when stranding, but I don't think I can do that just yet. I'll have to think and try again another time. Still, not bad, if I do say so myself.
As I was knitting and thinking how large it looked I remembered the character from the Fat Albert cartoon. I used to watch that all the time, but I couldn't remember Dumb Donald's name. What do you think?
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