Friday, August 27, 2010


Let me start by saying, I'm sorry for the quality of the photos. I often think to take pictures only after the kids are in bed and my lighting is great for relaxing but not for photography.

I know almost a week has passed already, but I've been meaning to chat about Mondays. I'm a single (not-by-choice) Mom of two marvelous little girls, ages 6 and 4. So, as you all probably know, that leaves very little "me" time. I work a normal "9-5" job and then at night I try to keep up the house and knit custom orders as much as I can to "make ends meet".

I have tried, however, to keep a bit of time for me and unfortunately it is due to tv. I found that I like the PBS show, Antiques Roadshow. Then, over one summer I discovered History Detectives and now I'm hooked. I am disappointed when summer ends and that show disappears from my Mondays. I therefore make time to just relax on Monday nights during the summer. It is strictly observed for me, and me alone.

I was in the middle of a knitting project this Monday (a doll sweater for order) when I thought I'd really make it a night for me. I had recently finished a pair of simple, two needle socks for a dear friend. We were chatting one day about my knitting and she mentioned she liked the ones I had photographed on my feet as they reminded her of ones her Grandma had made her but were now getting holes in them. Her Grandma (Alice) is still alive and relatively well, but carpal tunnel syndrome has made it so she doesn't knit anymore. So, I started a pair of red and white striped socks for my friend and finished them over the weekend. She was thrilled.

When Monday rolled around I was eager to translate that simple pattern to toe-up socks on two circular needles, two techniques I've only read/heard about. It can't be that hard. Well, so far I'm loving it!

Don't get me wrong, these will still not be the best darn socks ever, but for me it was a foray into self-value. I put down my work-for-hire item and concentrated a whole evening just on me. What a wonderful feeling! The yarn is Caron's Simply Soft and it feels fantastic on my feet and in my hands as it slides through my fingers and over the needles. The colors, as they don't show very well here, are a bright lime type green and turquoise. Oh, and these yarns were ones I had purchased for a custom order so I'm helping ease my stash as well. Win-win!

That glee ended quickly the next morning when I made the mistake of showing my little ones and they promptly whined about not having any of their own hand-knit socks. So, the rest of the week was spent staying up late knitting the two needle type for my eldest...a picot edge and stockinette stitch instead of the rib that was the cuff on the others I've made.

I've just begun the mate to this one but should have it done well before school starts and hopefully the littlest one's pair as well. I didn't want to get too far into the second without having my daughter try it on on...

The first night I tried socks for my eldest I looked at my own sock and figured my 6-year-old's foot should be about 2/3 as wide as mine (size 7 but wide). So, I cast on and knit striped goodness until midnight. The next day I brought them to her foot only to discover that, with quite a bit of stretching, the sock might just fit my 4-year-old (who vehemently refuses to wear those colors). I was too exhausted to begin frogging that sock and figure maybe I'll finish a pair and donate them to a toddler somewhere who can tolerate yellow and orange.

Ok then. It is Friday night and my weekend is full to the brim with tasks and knitting. So, I can just now click on a show and relax for a few minutes before I fall into bed and dream of Monday night, when I can pick up and work on my sock again.

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