Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In the Habit

I've found a new habit, no not the black and white head-to-toe kind...blogging. It isn't completely new as I've been writing here and there for about three years (wow, typing that I realized it has been a while) but what I haven't done much of is blog reading...until recently. I started reading one after a kind local woman helped me on Ravelry by suggesting a book that contains a pattern for toe-up kids' socks. Then, I jumped to reading blogs she had linked to. Now, months later, I have become in the habit of the following:

1) put the girls to bed
2) log on
3) check email
4) check Facebook
5) browse blogs

It has become an almost nightly routine. I'm not an RSS kind of gal so I've just setup the blogs in my Favorites folder in a specific order for how I like to read them. I warm up with one or two good ones, then pop over to a favorite, then to a middle one, then to another good one, then back and forth. It is silly, I know, but I'm finding a community of like-minded individuals. In some odd way this is healing, as much as sitting with my needles.

So, tonight as we were home late I'm now typing late as well. It is time for me to knit a few rows but I guess I just had to say hello and thanks to the bloggers that are out there putting themselves out in the world and helping some of us along the way.


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